Delicious low-calorie recipes
Konservēti zaļie zirnīši Bonduelle 200g/130g
50 grami Kuskuss (vai citi graudaugi)
380 grami Ūdens
170 grami Kālis
80 grami Burkāns
35 grami Siers 10% (vai cits liess siers)
20 grami Saulē kaltēti tomāti
20 grami Spināti
Sāls, garšvielas pēc izvēles (es izmantoju: Adigejas sāli, kaltētus garšaugus, drupinātus ķiplokus)
Peel the rutabaga, cut it into small pieces and grate the carrot.
Pour 120 g boiling water over the couscous.
Put the rutabaga in a pot with ~150g of water and cook.
When the rutabaga is half soft, add the grated carrot, reduce the heat and cook until ready. Stir occasionally.
Finally stir in the couscous, spinach and grated cheese.
product_weight - 690g.
serving_count - 1.0
1 serving_contains:
Kilokalorijas (Kcal) 2787.6 | |
percent_from_needed_in_day* | |
Ogļhidrāti (OH) 64.3g. | 22% |
Olbaltumvielas/Proteīni (OB) 22.3g. | 45% |
Tauki (T) 4.7g. | 8% |
calory_description |