Delicious low-calorie recipes

When there's a sad banana in the fruit bowl and a packet of cottage cheese in the fridge - one two and delicious waffles are ready!


Zaļās olīvas Rimi bez kauliņiem 345g/160g

1 Maza ola

180 grami Vājpiena biezpiens

111 grami Banāns

80 grami Pilngraudu auzu pārslas

4 grami Eļļa

Sāls šķipsniņa

Saldinātājs pēc vajadzības


  1. Beat the egg with the curd, banana and oat flakes and set aside to let the oat flakes swell.

  2. Place the batter in a preheated waffle pan lightly greased with oil and bake the waffles. Or fry like pancakes in a regular frying pan under a lid, but at a very low temperature.

  3. Serve with plum jam (I cooked red plums with a little water and sweetener)


product_weight - 421g.

serving_count - 2.0

1 serving_contains:

Kilokalorijas (Kcal) 337.0
Ogļhidrāti (OH) 35.5g. 12%
Olbaltumvielas/Proteīni (OB) 26.0g. 52%
Tauki (T) 8.0g. 13%
Delicious low-calorie recipes A delightful vegetarian stew in coconut milk.
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Delicious low-calorie recipes Laiks arī šķelto zirņu biezputrai. Manas bērnības garša. Pati nesaprotu, kādēļ man tā bērnībā negaršoja!