Delicious low-calorie recipes

Lingonberries, apples, carrots... all picked and grown in our gardens and forests!


Olīvu maisījums ICA grieķu 240g/150g

5 Olas

190 grami Svaigi, sarīvēti burkāni

80 grami Milti (40 g rīsu milti, 40 g kukurūzas milti)

75 grami Žāvētas dateles

75 grami Žāvētas aprikozes

50 grami Eritritols

7 grami Cepamais pulveris


Olīvu maisījums ICA grieķu 240g/150g

200 grami Brūklenes

200 grami Āboli

150 grami Ūdens

20 grami Kukurūzas ciete


Olīvu maisījums ICA grieķu 240g/150g

360 grami Vājpiena biezpiens (paciņu)

250 grami Svaigais siers Ricotta Lago Maggiore 6%

200 grami Krēmsiers Philadelphia light (11%)



Olīvu maisījums ICA grieķu 240g/150g

150 grami Ābolu biezenis (es to pagatavoju pati - savārīju ābolus, pievienoju nedaudz pienu, saldinātāju un sablenderēju. Bet var izmantot arī gatavu ābolu biezeni (bērniem) )

Olīvu maisījums ICA grieķu 240g/150g

75 grami Piens 2%

40 grami Sausais piens

6 grami Želatīns

60 grami Ūdens


Olīvu maisījums ICA grieķu 240g/150g

Cepeškrāsnī sagrauzdēta un samalta Latvijas maiznieka 100% rudzu tostermaize.


  1. Separate egg yolks from egg whites.

  2. Dates and apricots sprinkle with hot water and leave to soak. Then cut into smaller pieces.

  3. Grate the carrots on a fine grater.

  4. Add the carrots and soaked, sliced dried fruits to the egg yolks and blend until smooth.

  5. Add the flour with the baking powder added and mix well.

  6. Whisk the egg whites, add the erythritol and whisk to a stiff froth (~2-3 min).

  7. Carefully fold the egg white mass into the dough - stir in one direction without lifting the spoon from the mass

  8. Divide the dough into 3 equal parts and bake the sponge cakes in the oven at 175 °C for ~30 minutes.

  9. Cool the sponge cakes.

  10. Mix Philadelphia cream cheese with curd, sweetener and vanilla. Blend.

  11. Add the Ricotta cheese and blend for a very short time. Fill the cream in a pastry bag.

  12. Place the apples, lingonberries and sweetener in a saucepan with water. Bring to the boil and add the cornstarch mixed with water. Bring to the boil, stirring. Cool.

  13. Place the first biscuit on the base and place a pastry ring lined inside with acetate sheet around it. Spread 50 g of applesauce on the biscuits.

  14. Squeeze ~200 g of cream along the outer edge with a pastry bag. Place ~160 g lingonberry-apple jam in the middle.

  15. Place the second biscuit on top and repeat the previous steps.

  16. Place the third biscuit on top and spread ~150g of cream over it. Put the remaining cream in the fridge. Cover the cake mould with clingfilm and place in the fridge overnight.

  17. In the morning take the cake out of the refrigerator and remove the metal pastry ring and the acetate sheet.

  18. Spread the remaining cream over the top and the sides of the cake. I reserved a little cream for the cream roses.

  19. Sprinkle the sides with the ground rye toaster bread. Put the cake back in the fridge.

  20. Pour 6 g of gelatin with cold water (60 g).

  21. Fry 40 g of dried milk and grind it into a fine powder.

  22. Add the fried and ground dried milk to the milk (75 g) and bring to a boil, stirring constantly with a pastry whisk.

  23. Add the swollen gelatin and mix. Set aside to cool.

  24. Cool the icing to ~26-30 °C and pour it into a pastry bag, cut off a small tip and decorate the cake with a 'dripping' chocolate effect (the cake must be cold!).

  25. Decorate to your liking.


product_weight - 2200g.

serving_count - 10.0

1 serving_contains:

Kilokalorijas (Kcal) 265.5
Ogļhidrāti (OH) 32.0g. 11%
Olbaltumvielas/Proteīni (OB) 16.5g. 33%
Tauki (T) 7.1g. 11%
Delicious low-calorie recipes A healthy and delicious low-calorie cake.
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Delicious low-calorie recipes Something simple, quick to make and, of course, delicious!