Delicious low-calorie recipes
Šķīstošs kakao dzēriens Rimi 300g
1 Ola
80 grami Olu baltums
250 grami Vājpiena biezpiens
150 grami Pilngraudu auzu pārslas
25 grami Linsēklas
25 grami Saulespuķu sēklas
25 grami Ķirbju sēklas
1 tējkarote Cepamais pulveris
1 tējkarote Sāls
Mix the egg with the egg white and cottage cheese.
Add all the dry ingredients, knead the dough and form into loaf or small buns. Bake in the preheated oven at 170 °C for ~1 hour.
product_weight - 540g.
serving_count - 4.0
1 serving_contains:
Kilokalorijas (Kcal) 323.0 | |
percent_from_needed_in_day* | |
Ogļhidrāti (OH) 25.5g. | 9% |
Olbaltumvielas/Proteīni (OB) 26.0g. | 52% |
Tauki (T) 11.3g. | 18% |
calory_description |