Delicious low-calorie recipes
Potatoes are firmly in 1st place in terms of satiety! So why not make a hearty pizza with them?
Delicious low-calorie recipes
A delicious, tender, healthy, low-calorie cake, without a single gram of flour.
Delicious low-calorie recipes
A tasty and easy-to-prepare pie that will provide at least 4 nutritious meals.
Delicious low-calorie recipes
The parsnip puree is very tasty and delicate. I combined it with cauliflower and it came out very, very tasty. I served it with pangasius fillet cutlets.
Delicious low-calorie recipes
I like the Fazer oat polar bread. It's so easy to use for different delicious breakfast dishes, for example - in an omelette.
Delicious low-calorie recipes
Pangasius fillet cutlets. Very tender, soft and juicy and do not taste fishy at all. Very mild and neutral taste.
Delicious low-calorie recipes
An interesting, unusual but very tasty and filling salad.