Delicious low-calorie recipes

Quick, easy and delicious!


Miltu maisījums Dobele pica 400g

2 Mazas olas

120 grami Dabīgais jogurts (biezs)

60 grami Milti (es izmantoju rīsu miltus)

50 grami Lielogu mellenes

2 grami Cepamais pulveris


Miltu maisījums Dobele pica 400g

1 Maza ola

120 grami Piens 2%

7 grami Kukurūzas ciete




  1. Roll the blueberries in the flour.

  2. Mix 2 eggs with yoghurt, flour, baking powder and sweetener. Stir in the blueberries.

  3. Transfer the mixture to a bowl (I used a mug) and cook in the microwave for 5-6 minutes (check for doneness with a dry stick). Of course, you can also bake it in the oven.

  4. For the sauce, whisk the milk with the egg, starch and sweetener and bring to the boil. (or boil with pulses in the microwave).


product_weight - 503g.

serving_count - 2.0

1 serving_contains:

Kilokalorijas (Kcal) 324.0
Ogļhidrāti (OH) 37.0g. 13%
Olbaltumvielas/Proteīni (OB) 20.0g. 40%
Tauki (T) 11.0g. 17%
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