Delicious low-calorie recipes

Very good salad for dinner.


Ievārījums I Love Eco brūkleņu 400g

250 grami Tomāti

250 grami Gurķi

200 grami Mājas siers

30 grami Zaļie lociņi

Sāls, pipari


  1. Cut the cucumbers, tomatoes and scallions.

  2. Season with salt and pepper and mix with the cottage cheese.


product_weight - 730g.

serving_count - 1.0

1 serving_contains:

Kilokalorijas (Kcal) 2153.5
Ogļhidrāti (OH) 22.0g. 8%
Olbaltumvielas/Proteīni (OB) 27.0g. 54%
Tauki (T) 15.0g. 24%
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