Delicious low-calorie recipes

Gluten-free bread with seeds. It is a great and delicious alternative to store-bought bread.


Zaļās olīvas Rimi ar zilo sieru 230g/130g

200 grami Sarkanās lēcas

100 grami Kvinoja (man tā bija trīskrāsu kvinoja)

20 grami Veselas linsēklas

50 grami Piens 2%

50 grami Ūdens

5 grami Cepamais pulveris

1 grami Sāls

12 grami Sēkliņas pārkaisīšanai pa virsu

Garšvielas, garšaugi pēc izvēles


  1. Soak the lentils and quinoa overnight. Rinse in the morning.

  2. Add the flaxseed, milk (or water), salt, and spices and blend (or add sweetener if baking the sweet version; add dried cranberries or raisins if desired).

  3. Add the baking powder and mix.

  4. Place the dough in one tin or several small ones (as I did) and bake at 175 °C for ~40 minutes.


product_weight - 437g.

serving_count - 6.0

1 serving_contains:

Kilokalorijas (Kcal) 186.0
Ogļhidrāti (OH) 20.9g. 7%
Olbaltumvielas/Proteīni (OB) 12.9g. 26%
Tauki (T) 1.9g. 3%
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