Delicious low-calorie recipes
Bulgurs Valdo vidēja maluma 4x125g
2 Vārītas olas
150 grami Tomāts
100 grami Gatavs avokado
20 grami Zaļie lociņi
10 grami Dilles
1 ēd.k. Citronu sula
Garšaugu sāls, citronpipari
Grate the egg, chop the tomato, dill and scallions, and mash the avocado.
Mix all the ingredients, put onto buns/galettes/tortillas and enjoy a delicious breakfast.
product_weight - 390g.
serving_count - 1.0
1 serving_contains:
Kilokalorijas (Kcal) 783.9 | |
percent_from_needed_in_day* | |
Ogļhidrāti (OH) 1.9g. | 1% |
Olbaltumvielas/Proteīni (OB) 12.3g. | 25% |
Tauki (T) 18.7g. | 29% |
calory_description |