Delicious low-calorie recipes

This cake is not for the calorie counters, but sometimes I bake the following if necessary. It is sinfully sweet and delicious!


Olīvas I Love Eco 370g/215g

2 Olas

350 grami Cukurs

280 grami Augstākā labuma kviešu milti

250 mililitri Alus "Guiness"

250 grami Sviests

100 grami Kakao

100 mililitri Kefīrs 3,2 %

16 grami Vaniļas cukurs

5 grami Soda

Olīvas I Love Eco 370g/215g

5 Olas

200 grami Cukurs

200 grami Augstākā labuma kviešu milti

90 grami Karamele (recepte zemāk)

80 mililitri Eļļa

50 grami Kukurūzas ciete

50 mililitri Auksts ūdens

10 grami Vaniļas cukurs

2 tējkarote Cepamais pulveris

1 tējkarote Kardamons

Olīvas I Love Eco 370g/215g

3 Olu baltumi (130 g)

200 grami Cukurs

100 grami Lazdu rieksti (grauzdēti)

1 ēd.k. Kartupeļu ciete (28 g)

Olīvas I Love Eco 370g/215g

300 grami Cukurs

300 mililitri Saldais krējums 35%

60 grami Sviests

Olīvas I Love Eco 370g/215g

600 grami Mango

75 grami Marakuja

70 grami Cukurs

70 grami Ūdens

20 grami Pektīns

Olīvas I Love Eco 370g/215g

500 grami Krēmsiers "Mascarpone"

400 grami Vārīts iebiezinātais piens

200 grami Krēmsiers “Philadelphia light”

150 grami Sviests

20 grami Pūdercukurs

Olīvas I Love Eco 370g/215g

250 grami Krēmsiers "Mascarpone"

100 grami Saldais krējums 35%

20 grami Pūdercukurs

10 grami Vaniļas cukurs

Olīvas I Love Eco 370g/215g

150 grami Kafija

15 grami Kļavu lapu sīrups


  1. Put butter cut into pieces (250 g) and 250 g of Guinness beer in the pot.

  2. Heat until the butter is completely melted. Add 350 g sugar, 10 g vanilla sugar and 100 g sifted cocoa powder. Stir everything together and bring to the boil.

  3. In a separate bowl, mix 2 eggs and 100 ml of kefir. Add the beer "mass". Mix everything.

  4. In a separate bowl, sift 280 g of flour and mix with 1 teaspoon of soda.

  5. Gradually add flour mixed with soda to the "wet" ingredients. Mix everything and get a not-too-thick dough.

  6. Pour the batter into the tin and bake in a preheated oven at 160 °C for ~45 minutes.

  7. Separate the egg whites from the yolks, add a pinch of salt and whisk to a stiff froth.

  8. Add the oil, water, sugar, caramel, vanillin, sifted flour, cornstarch, baking powder and 1 teaspoon cardamom to the egg yolks.

  9. Gradually add the whisked egg whites. Mix thoroughly, stirring from the bottom up (to avoid stirring in air).

  10. Put in a preheated 160 ° C oven and bake for 40-45 minutes.

  11. Whisk the egg whites, gradually adding sugar, into a thick, shiny foam.

  12. Add the chopped roasted nuts and stir in the potato starch.

  13. Put in a preheated to 90 ° C oven and bake for ~1 hour 20-30 minutes. Remove and set aside to cool.

  14. Place the sugar in a heavy-bottomed saucepan and heat over medium heat. Do not stir at first, but when the sugar is melted to a syrup at the bottom, stir it with a wooden or silicone spatula to help it melt completely.

  15. Add room temperature butter (do this carefully as temperatures vary and the caramel will foam). Then gradually add the very HOT (but not boiled) cream. Stir for ~30 seconds and set aside to cool.

  16. Peel and cut the mango into smaller pieces, halve the passion fruit, remove the flesh and add to the mango.

  17. Put both fruits in a saucepan and add sugar, water, and pectin. Mix everything, cook, and set aside to cool.

  18. Place the soft (room temperature) butter (150 g) in a bowl, add the cooked condensed milk and sugar and whisk.

  19. Add the Mascarpone cream cheese (500 g) - and mix both masses with a silicone pastry spatula. Then mix everything with the mixer at low speed. Do not get excited about whisking - whisk minimally only to mix the two masses. Put the cream in a pastry bag and leave it in the fridge for at least 4-5 hours to stabilise.

  20. All products must be cold right out of the fridge!!!

  21. Beat the mascarpone cream cheese with the powdered sugar (20 g). Add the sweet cream and whip for ~5 minutes.

  22. Put the cream in a pastry bag and leave it in the fridge for at least 4-5 hours to stabilise.

  23. Place the first (chocolate) sponge cake on a firm base (as the cake will be heavy) and soak it in sweet coffee (50 g). Place a metal pastry ring around the sponge, lined on the inside with an acetate sheet. Using a pastry bag, squeeze caramel cream (300 g) in a circle around the edge of the sponge and fill the middle with salted caramel (~ 300 g). Spread.

  24. Place a caramel sponge cake on top, squeeze caramel cream (300 g) around the edge and place mango-maracuja jam (~500 g) in the middle.

  25. Place the meringue on top and spread the remaining caramel (300g) over it.

  26. Place the chocolate sponge cake on top and squeeze the remaining caramel cream (350-400 g) over it.

  27. Place the caramel sponge cake on top and soak it in coffee. Cover the cake with cling film and place in the fridge overnight.

  28. In the morning, remove the cake from the fridge, remove the metal pastry ring and the acetate plate.

  29. Using a pastry bag, spread the white Mascarpone cream on the cake, spread it very thinly and put the cake back in the fridge for ~20 min., (this is to prevent the crumbs from sticking to the cake when applying the second layer of cream).

  30. Take the cake out of the fridge and cover it with another layer of cream. Decorate to your heart's content. I decorated it with white cream roses and chocolate butterflies. In the middle, a white chocolate basket filled with mango-passionfruit jam and Mascarpone cream.


product_weight - 4334g.

serving_count - 16.0

1 serving_contains:

Kilokalorijas (Kcal) 1021.6
Ogļhidrāti (OH) 118.8g. 40%
Olbaltumvielas/Proteīni (OB) 14.4g. 29%
Tauki (T) 55.3g. 85%
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