Delicious low-calorie recipes

Who doesn't like potato pancakes and pizza? And if you combine them?


Šķeltie zirņi Rimi Basic 800g

1 Ola

280 grami Kartupeļi (2 vidēji kartupeļi)

70 grami Sīpols

12 grami Ķiploks

20 grami Extra virgin eļļa

1 ēd.k. Kukurūzas ciete

Sāls, pipari

Šķeltie zirņi Rimi Basic 800g

100 grami Tomāti Cherry

100 grami Siers 10%

30 grami Adžika (Pūres)

20 grami Dabīgais jogurts

15 grami Dilles, pētersīļi


  1. Grate the potatoes, chop the onion and garlic.

  2. Add the egg, onion, garlic, starch, salt, pepper and spices of your choice to the potatoes and mix everything.

  3. Heat a pan, put the potato mixture on it, spread it out and press it down a little. Turn the heat down to low and fry until the bottom is browned and the edges are turned so that the 'pancake' can be turned over.

  4. While the pancake is frying on one side, mix the yoghurt with the adzhika, grate the cheese and halve the cherry tomatoes. Chop the herbs and mix them with the cheese.

  5. Turn the pancake on the other side and let it cook a little.

  6. Spread the yoghurt adjika mixture over the pancake, top with tomato halves and sprinkle with cheese. Cover with a lid and bake for about 10 minutes to allow the cheese to melt.


product_weight - 702g.

serving_count - 4.0

1 serving_contains:

Kilokalorijas (Kcal) 232.5
Ogļhidrāti (OH) 20.6g. 7%
Olbaltumvielas/Proteīni (OB) 12.7g. 26%
Tauki (T) 10.8g. 17%
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Delicious low-calorie recipes Laiks arī šķelto zirņu biezputrai. Manas bērnības garša. Pati nesaprotu, kādēļ man tā bērnībā negaršoja!