Delicious low-calorie recipes

When you want something but don't know what, you can make delicious mini pizzas for breakfast quickly.


Ievārījums I Love Eco aveņu 400g

2 "Fazer street" polārmaizes (2 x 45 g)

1 Vārīta ola

50 grami Siers 10% (vai cits liess siers)

24 grami Adžika vai tomātu mērce (man adžika "Pūres")

12 grami Zaļie lociņi

3 grami Extra virgin olīveļļa

Sāls, pipari, ķiploks, garšvielas pēc izvēles


  1. Heat a frying pan and lightly grease it with oil.

  2. Spread adjika on the bread, place grated egg on top, mixed with grated cheese, salt, spices and chopped green onions.

  3. Place in a pan put the lid on and bake at a very low temperature until the cheese melts (~5-7 minutes).


product_weight - 234g.

serving_count - 2.0

1 serving_contains:

Kilokalorijas (Kcal) 240.0
Ogļhidrāti (OH) 22.0g. 8%
Olbaltumvielas/Proteīni (OB) 17.5g. 35%
Tauki (T) 8.5g. 14%
Delicious low-calorie recipes Something mega simple and delicious! Excellent substitute for chips on holiday movie nights!
Delicious low-calorie recipes A lovely and very tasty vegetable stew, this time with new potatoes.
Delicious low-calorie recipes I tried this combination for the first time and it was - Perfect!