Delicious low-calorie recipes
A variation of my delicious meringue roll. I'll tell it like it is, without hypocrisy - an incredibly delicious variation!
Delicious low-calorie recipes
This time, savoury muffins with Tofu cheese. And why not, if they're so delicious?
Delicious low-calorie recipes
Great snack, great breakfast, great for on the go! And of course with great nutritional value!
Delicious low-calorie recipes
This soup is very, very low in calories and at the same time very, very tasty (the salmon adds its special flavour) and satisfyingly filling.
Delicious low-calorie recipes
Amazingly tasty, soft and tender cutlets. An excellent source of protein.
Delicious low-calorie recipes
If you like eggs, I recommend this pie. It's delicious and easy to make!
Delicious low-calorie recipes
When there's a sad banana in the fruit bowl and a packet of cottage cheese in the fridge - one two and delicious waffles are ready!