Delicious low-calorie recipes
Krēmzupa Auga Organic ķirbju 400g
500 grami Zemenes (vai jebkuras ogas, augļi)
Krēmzupa Auga Organic ķirbju 400g
100 grami Auzu pārslas
40 grami Medus
Krēmzupa Auga Organic ķirbju 400g
1 Ola
200 grami Piens 2%
12 grami Kukurūzas ciete
1 ēd.k. Citronu sulas
Saldinātājs, vaniļa
First, prepare the vanilla sauce - add the egg, starch, sweetener and vanilla to the milk. Put on the heat and heat, stirring with a whisk, until the mixture thickens (until the first bubble). Remove from the heat and set aside to cool.
Prepare granola - put honey and oatmeal on a pan and heat, stirring, until the oatmeal is browned. Set aside to cool.
Arrange in layers berries, sauce, and granola. Enjoy your meal!
product_weight - 907g.
serving_count - 2.0
1 serving_contains:
Kilokalorijas (Kcal) 441.0 | |
percent_from_needed_in_day* | |
Ogļhidrāti (OH) 69.0g. | 23% |
Olbaltumvielas/Proteīni (OB) 16.0g. | 32% |
Tauki (T) 9.7g. | 15% |
calory_description |